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August 01, 2007



Really the good attempt. Hope this will help the users a lot. Keep up the good job Mr. Founder…


its a plesure know the egold comunication will be better than ever now.
i use e-gold since 2003 and literaly egold change my life and my business Know hows:welcome to the new era about egold.


Great idea. I'm glad to see this blog and I will check back often.


This blog, as an outward dialog from e-gold, is long overdue. Users of e-gold have many questions... (Why don't you ever update your website? What's going to happen with the lawsuit? Why aren't you offshore?) and I hope that this blog can answer a few of those.


Nice to see e-gold (and its founder) launching a blog for the company, to enable some open communication with users. And hopefully some interaction between staff and users in the comments area when there's time! :)

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