This blog entry is to report the progress Gold & Silver Reserve, Inc has made towards monetizing all e-metal since my August 12, 2011 blog entry on this topic. All Monetized Value noted below has been paid over to, and...
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On June 3, 2011, a civil complaint was filed by the Government seeking forfeiture of all value being maintained by e-gold, Ltd. (“EGL”). In addition, the Government has filed an application with the court requesting the issuance of an arrest...
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The following is an outline of the monetization and distribution process of the value for all e-metal accounts held in EGL accounts (“Value Access Plan” or “VAP”) as agreed to between the Government, e-gold Ltd (“EGL”) and Gold & Silver...
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE [Melbourne, Florida, US] – e-gold Ltd (“EGL") is pleased to announce an important step taken today in the process it initiated to provide e-metal account holders with access to the value in their accounts. EGL originally contacted...
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We are pleased to announce that the U.S. Government has taken an important step towards implementing the Value Access Plan (VAP) . As we announced in our posting dated December 31, 2010, the VAP will permit owners of VAP-Qualified Accounts...
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As my November 2, 2009 blog entry advised, we have been working diligently to develop a Value Access Plan (VAP) to allow access to e-metal account value. We are pleased to announce that we have finalized an agreement with government...
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As e-gold Users are aware, by agreement with relevant authorities including the U.S. Department of Justice, e-gold has suspended all e-metal Spend activity subject to meeting certain licensing requirements. As a result, e-gold Users have been unable to engage in...
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